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Skull and Bones Review

from nobody to the most fearsome pirate kingpin

Under the pretense of learning from ruthless top dogs, shipwrecked ordinary men and women from all over the world, built their name across the lawless Indian Ocean. They had one aim in mind – to one day topple those in power and eventually compete with one another to rule as the most fearsome pirate kingpin.

navigate a beautiful yet dangerous world

hell in paradise

From the Coast of Africa to the lush, tropical islands of the East Indies, the world of Skull and Bones is a treasure trove to explore. Through your journey, you will face many dangers - from unpredictable weather, dangerous rogue waves, to deadly wildlife and cutthroat pirate hunters. Everything and everyone wants you dead.

sail with your friends

Sail the dark and dangerous seas, and experience the thrill of taking on threats with massive cannons and other weapons solo, or form alliances with friends or other players you encounter.


MENU  9.5/10

It's about how easy the menu is to use.

STORY  8/10

The story, how original it is, and how innovative and interesting.


The quality of the graphics, their novelty, their analysis, and their detail.

MUSIC  9/10

MOTION  8/10

The player's movement and its naturalness



How addictive the game is and how long it can hold you.

 TOTAL: 8.8/10


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